Remember that in order to understand if communication is smooth and effective, I need to ask just two questions: Is the communication PROCESS Ok, and are the PEOPLE Ok?
Now for debugging PEOPLE. Recall that the aim is to have all participants in the conversation positioned in the top right segment of the OK Corral, and out of the bug zone. At the risk of stating the obvious, the first thing to do is to ensure that I am in the ‘pure’...
If I am talking with someone and they show signs of entering the bug zone, then some simple techniques may help move them back to +/+. The one to use depends on the sub-zone. Starting with the Volcano zone … if the person seem to be getting a little uptight, then...
This is the second and final video on Observing Communications. Based on the analysis method explained in the first video, I will now suggest some techniques that can help to improve matters when I observe communication bugs.