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The SUBROUTINE for Input – 10 – Using Suggestion Constructively

Here is an example of how the conversation could have gone, if I’d used suggestions to investigate my client’s needs. But I guess if you change the processor, there will be a lot of legacy to deal with? My opening guess. Yes, quite a bit. But the code is in C, and so...

The SUBROUTINE for Input – 11 – Key Points

In this video we have seen how the SUBROUTINE in questioning/listening mode constitutes the core of the Guidling Discovery flow. It starts with Learning Discovery to reveal Situation and simple Problems, which lead to Implied Needs But then it gets a lot more subtle....

The SUBROUTINE for Input – 2 – Guiding Discovery: to Scale

Remember this diagram? The correspondence between the Guiding Discovery flow and the “Input mode” of the SUBROUTINE is easy to see here. This is probably the moment to mention some potential obstacles to Guiding Discovery which is, obviously, not as easy in practise...