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The SUBROUTINE for Output – 5 – Solutions

This is the step that I am often itching to reach: where I request something or propose some next actions. But the thing that I must look out for is, once again, the Short Circuit. Assuming that I did use due process in arriving at this step, then it should be the...

The SUBROUTINE for Output – 0 – Title Slide

In this video, the fifth and final one in the series on guiding the client conversation, I look at the use of the SUBROUTINE to express myself. This is the mode that allows me to confront a client about the most difficult topics without getting into conflict with...

The SUBROUTINE for Output – 2 – Situation

Now let’s look in detail at the steps. I start by describing, as best I can, the facts of the case—I present observations. This is a good starting point since, firstly, it syncs everyone up on the Situation And, secondly, it sets the tone of the conversation to one of...

The SUBROUTINE for Output – 4 – Needs

This step of the process is for expressing my Needs, so that I can get my client’s understanding and, I would hope, their cooperation in meeting those Needs. Once again, the challenge is to express myself in a way that is clear, honest and effective. And, once again,...