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The SUBROUTINE for Output – 2 – Situation

Now let’s look in detail at the steps. I start by describing, as best I can, the facts of the case—I present observations. This is a good starting point since, firstly, it syncs everyone up on the Situation And, secondly, it sets the tone of the conversation to one of...

The SUBROUTINE for Output – 4 – Needs

This step of the process is for expressing my Needs, so that I can get my client’s understanding and, I would hope, their cooperation in meeting those Needs. Once again, the challenge is to express myself in a way that is clear, honest and effective. And, once again,...

The SUBROUTINE for Output – 6 – Confrontation

Let’s finish with a complete, if simple example of a confrontation managed with the SUBROUTINE. (if the language is a bit wooden, it’s because this sort of thing never sounds natural when it’s scripted – please bear with me and be assured that it would come out much...

The SUBROUTINE for Output – 7 – Key Points

The SUBROUTINE is an excellent tool for delivering clear, complete messages, even when the content is potentially controversial. Throughout the process, I say what I want to say but, at the some time, I avoid inflammatory language At the Situation step, I stick to...

The SUBROUTINE for Output – 1 – Overview

To get started, here’s a reminder of the steps of the SUBROUTINE when used in this mode. I start by describing the Situation in a factual way, using terms that it would be difficult to disagree with. Then I state how the Problems linked to this Situation are affecting...