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Evaluations: Execution – 1 – Getting started – the Kickoff

Start the Execute step with a bang! (the explosions on the slide are contributed by my young son by the way) Nothing like a few fireworks to create a sense of spectacle and excitement, which is one of my ambitions for the Kickoff meeting. Whether it is done face2face...

Evaluations: Execution – 3 – Common Evaluation Dangers

This guideline highlights three common Evaluation pitfalls. HEROIC EFFORTS The general idea, when trying to impress someone with my product, is to make the task look impossible but my solution look easy. This will not be the impression given if I am seen to be working...

Evaluations: Execution – 4 – Benchmark Dangers

A Benchmark differs from an Evaluation in that it is a race against the competition. Rather than an assessment with respect to a set of requirements, a Benchmark is a comparison with other products according to a list of criteria. The Benchmark environment may be...

Evaluations: Execution – 5 – How it should feel

This final, rather unscientific slide is an attempt to convey the life cycle of a typical product evaluation. The Y axis represents the general mood, with its ups and downs that depend on expectations and perceived results. It is common for things to start off well,...

Evaluations: Execution – 2 – A Very Special Stakeholder

My second guideline concerns Champions (also referred to as Spies and other terms). These my strong allies in the client account. They will defend my product when I am not there, They will go the extra mile to ensure that small, important details are attended to, And...