Please take the initiative to contact other people in your buddy group in order to organise meetings. Keep your facilitators on copy. If you anticipate difficulties in committing time ot the group, alert colleagues in your group and your facilitators. Between you,...
I highlighted the most important comments and then found that I had highlighted almost everything :-) Scanning the chat quickly can help to remember the flow of our discussions … meeting_saved_chat.pdf
The Leading Difficult Conversations program consists of: A 7-hour Opening Workshop, divided into 2 half-day sessionsA half-day Closing WorkshopIndependent work with a colleague or two, in the period between the Opening and Closing workshops Already, the preparation...
RECOMMENDED READING For background reading, I particularly recommend the following two books, to be read whenever you have time, before, during or after the program: Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are Highby Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron...