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The Systemic Approach – 0 – Title Slide

In this final video on Getting Help and Collaboration – where someone else is involved in my communication with the ultimate client – I will give an introduction to the systemic approach to solving problems and initiating change.  

The Systemic Approach – 3 – Analytic versus Systemic 1 of 2

So let’s compare the two approaches, point by point. An analytical approach uses dualistic logic, characterised by the word OR—a thing is either right or wrong, black or white, good or bad. A systemic approach uses inclusive or continuous logic, characterised by the...

The Systemic Approach – 5 – Systemic in OAR & DISCOVER-Y

We’ve already looked at a couple of tools with a systemic approach built into them. O.A.R. encourages thinking about “the objective behind the objective”. It also emphasises the need to provide resources in order to influence a situation. Both of these points have a...

The Systemic Approach – 6 – Too Analytical?

I will finish this module with a true story – though I have changed a few details for the sake of the people involved. It shows clearly the difference that “thinking systemic” can make. The diagram shows me working as a CFE team leader in the field, physically remote...