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The Systemic Approach – 8 – Key Points

The systemic approach contrasts with the analytical one, and is usually the right approach in complex situations. The list of characteristics that I presented will help you to distinguish between systemic and analytical. Furthermore, a couple of our ICON9 tools embody...

The Systemic Approach – 2 – Analytical versus Systemic

My main objective with this module is to contrast the systemic approach with the analytical one, so that the difference between them becomes clear. Once this is achieved, you will be in a good position to decide which to use and when. For complex situations, a...

The Systemic Approach – 0 – Title Slide

In this final video on Getting Help and Collaboration – where someone else is involved in my communication with the ultimate client – I will give an introduction to the systemic approach to solving problems and initiating change.  

The Systemic Approach – 3 – Analytic versus Systemic 1 of 2

So let’s compare the two approaches, point by point. An analytical approach uses dualistic logic, characterised by the word OR—a thing is either right or wrong, black or white, good or bad. A systemic approach uses inclusive or continuous logic, characterised by the...