Getting Help and Collaboration
1. Indirect
This lesson looks at the challenges of influencing outcome over which we have no direct control – a common dilema for Customer-Facing Engineers.
2. The OAR Tool
OAR is a simple tool that brings to mind several important principles for indirect influencing. It embodies the systemic approach …
3. The Systemic Approach
Engineers and experts in general are good at solving complicated problems, for which an analytical method is important. However, some issues require an alternative approach …
4. Ok Communication
To influence, one’s message must be well-received, but clients’ prefered communication styles vary widely. How do we achieve a match?
5. Communication Bugs
Having understood how to recognise a client’s style, it is possible to anticipate, intercept and even remedy certain communication bugs.
Self-Assessment Tool
For use before, during or after working through other resources.