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Communication Practice for School Heads

With the tools on this page, you can use AI assistants (e.g. ChatGPT or Claude) to practice at your own pace, in any way you like. Remember that your AI assistant is infinitely patient and doesn’t care if you make mistakes!

How it works

The activities on this page are for School Heads who wish to practice their many and various Difficult Conversations. While the exercises are self-contained, the book Something’s Troubling Me (Quelque Chose Me Dérange in French) may help you improve your exercise scores.

When you click on the button for an activity, the necessary instructions are copied. Paste them into the prompt window of your AI assistant (e.g. ChatGPT or Claude) and the fun begins.

To work with your AI assistant in French, make sure that this page displays in French first.

To continue, you must login. Since you are here, it means that you should already have an account, linked to your email address. If you cannot login and/or cannot initialise or recover your password, please CONTACT US (self-registration will take you to a default learning space, not to your dedicated learning space).

CopyLeft License Agreement

By accessing this site or using, copying, modifying, or redistributing the Work, you acknowledge and accept the terms of this Copyleft License Agreement.

  1. Grant of License

You (the “User”) are granted a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use, copy, modify, adapt, and redistribute the AI prompts (the “Work”) provided on this website, subject to the terms outlined in this agreement.

  1. Copyleft Clause

Any modifications, adaptations, or derivative works based on the Work must be distributed under the same terms as this Copyleft License Agreement. This ensures that all users receive the same freedoms as the original license.

  1. Attribution

If you redistribute or share the Work, modified or unmodified, you must:

  • Attribute the original Work to the author by including the following notice:

“Original prompts provided by ICONDA Solutions. Licensed under the Copyleft License Agreement.”

  1. Availability of Modifications

If you distribute modifications or derivative works, you must:

  • Make the modified Work available in a format that allows further modification and redistribution.
  • Clearly indicate the changes you made to the original Work.
  1. Prohibition of Additional Restrictions

You may not impose additional restrictions on the Work or any derivative works beyond those described in this agreement. This ensures that all users enjoy the same freedoms without additional limitations.

  1. Warranty Disclaimer

The Work is provided “as is,” without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The author is not liable for any damages arising from the use or misuse of the Work.

  1. Scope of License

This license applies solely to the text-based prompts provided on this website. Any tools, scripts, or supplementary materials associated with the prompts may be governed by separate licenses as specified.

  1. Termination

This license is effective until terminated. If you violate any terms of this agreement, your rights under this license will terminate automatically. However, individuals or entities who have received the Work through your distribution will retain their rights under this agreement.

  1. Governing Law

This agreement is governed by the laws of France, and any disputes will be resolved under the jurisdiction of Grenoble, France

  1. Acceptance

By using, copying, modifying, or redistributing the Work, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Copyleft License Agreement.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about this license or wish to provide feedback, contact us at


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